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Parkinson's Disease

Disease Details

Family Health Simplified

Parkinson's disease is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by motor symptoms such as tremors, stiffness, and bradykinesia, due to the loss of dopamine-producing neurons in the brain.
Parkinson's disease is a neurodegenerative disorder. The type of genetic transmission can be complex; most cases are sporadic with no clear pattern of inheritance. However, a small percentage of cases are inherited and can follow autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, or mitochondrial patterns, depending on the specific genes involved.
Signs And Symptoms
The most recognizable symptoms are movement (motor) related and include tremor, bradykinesia (slowness of movement), rigidity, and shuffling/stooped gait. Non-motor symptoms, including autonomic dysfunction (dysautonomia), neuropsychiatric problems (mood, cognition, behavior or thought alterations), and sensory (especially altered sense of smell) and sleep difficulties may be present as well. People with Parkinson's disease may have non-motor symptoms that precede the onset of motor symptoms, including constipation, anosmia (inability to smell), and REM Behavior Disorder. Generally, symptoms such as dementia, psychosis, orthostasis, and more severe falls occur later. The prevalence of oropharyngeal dysphagia in PD is estimated to be as high as 82%. Dysphagia (swallowing difficulties) has been reported across all stages of the disease. Complications result from dysphagia include dehydration, malnutrition, weight loss, and aspiration pneumonia. Pneumonia is the most common cause of hospitalization and a leading cause of death in people with PD.
PD invariably progresses with time. A severity rating method known as the Unified Parkinson's disease rating scale (UPDRS) is the most commonly used metric for a clinical study. A modified version known as the MDS-UPDRS is also used. An older scaling method known as the Hoehn and Yahr scale (originally published in 1967), and a similar scale known as the Modified Hoehn and Yahr scale, have been used. The Hoehn and Yahr scale defines five basic stages of progression.
Motor symptoms may advance aggressively in the early stages of the disease and more slowly later. Untreated, individuals are expected to lose independent ambulation after an average of eight years and be bedridden after 10 years. Medication has improved the prognosis of motor symptoms. In people taking levodopa, the progression time of symptoms to a stage of high dependency from caregivers may be over 15 years. Predicting what course the disease will take for a given individual is difficult. Age is an appropriate predictor of disease progression. The rate of motor decline is greater in those with less impairment at the time of diagnosis, while cognitive impairment is more frequent in those who are over 70 years of age at symptom onset.No hard correlation between PD progression and PD disability as a whole has been found as of 2023; however, initial PD disability often mainly concerns the motor symptoms, whereas in later stages it is often mainly related to the non-motor symptoms of the disease. Therapies exist that can improve or alleviate these latter symptoms to some extent. As the disease advances, disability is more related to motor symptoms that are uncontrollable by medication (such as difficulties with swallowing and dysartria, and gait and balance problems) and to levodopa-induced complications, which appear in up to 50% of individuals after five years of levodopa usage. Finally, after ten years most people with the disease have autonomic disturbances, sleep problems, mood alterations and cognitive decline; these symptoms, especially cognitive decline, greatly increase disability.The life expectancy of people with PD is reduced. Mortality ratios are around twice those of unaffected people. Cognitive decline and dementia, old age at onset, a more advanced disease state, and presence of swallowing problems are all mortality risk factors. A disease pattern mainly characterized by tremor as opposed to rigidity, though, predicts an improved survival. Death from aspiration pneumonia is twice as common in individuals with PD as in the healthy population.In 2016, PD resulted in about 211,000 deaths globally, an increase of 161% since 1990. The overall death rate increased by 19% to 1.81 per 100,000 people during that time.A person with PD has two to six times the risk of dementia compared with the general population. Up to 78% of people with PD have Parkinson's disease dementia. Dementia is associated with a reduced quality of life in people with PD and their caregivers, increased mortality, and a higher probability of needing nursing home care.
The onset of Parkinson's disease is typically insidious, usually occurring around the age of 60, though symptoms can appear earlier in some cases.
Parkinson's disease affects approximately 1% of the population over the age of 60, with a prevalence that increases with age. It is estimated that about 10 million people worldwide are living with Parkinson's disease.
PD is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder and affects approximately six million people globally. As of 2021, Parkinson's was the fastest growing neurodegenerative disease globally in both death and prevalence. The proportion in a population at a given time is about 0.3% in industrialized countries. PD is more common in the elderly and rates rise from 1% in those over 60 years of age to 4% of the population over 80. The mean age of onset is around 60 years, although 5–10% begin between the ages of 20 and 50 is classified as young onset PD. Males are affected at a ratio of around 3:2 compared with females. PD may be less prevalent in those of African and Asian ancestry (including South Asians), although this finding is disputed. The number of new diagnoses per year of PD is between 8–18 per 100,000 person–years.China is predicted to have nearly half of the Parkinson's disease population in the world in 2030. By 2040 the number of patients is expected to grow to approximately 14 million people; this growth has been referred to as the Parkinson's pandemic.The prevalence of dementia increases with age, and to a lesser degree, duration of the disease.
Yes, Parkinson's disease is currently considered intractable as there is no cure. While various treatments, such as medication and surgical options, can manage symptoms and improve quality of life, they do not halt disease progression.
Disease Severity
In Parkinson's disease, disease severity can vary widely among individuals. It is commonly assessed using the Hoehn and Yahr scale, which ranges from Stage 1 (mild, unilateral symptoms) to Stage 5 (severe disability, requiring a wheelchair or bedridden). The progression and severity of symptoms can depend on various factors including the age of onset, response to treatment, and overall health of the individual. In certain instances, advanced Parkinson's might lead to significant motor and non-motor complications, impacting the individual's quality of life extensively.
Healthcare Professionals
Disease Ontology ID - DOID:14330
The main pathological characteristics of PD are cell death in the brain's basal ganglia (affecting up to 70% of the dopamine-secreting neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta by the end of life). In Parkinson's disease, alpha-synuclein becomes misfolded and clump together with other alpha-synuclein. Cells are unable to remove these clumps, and the alpha-synuclein becomes cytotoxic, damaging the cells. These clumps can be seen in neurons under a microscope and are called Lewy bodies. Loss of neurons is accompanied by the death of astrocytes (star-shaped glial cells) and an increase in the number of microglia (another type of glial cell) in the substantia nigra. Severity of progression of the parts of the brain affected by PD can be measured with Braak staging. According to this staging, PD starts in the medulla and the olfactory bulb before moving to the substantia nigra pars compacta and the rest of the midbrain/basal forebrain. Movement symptom onset is associated when the disease begins to affect the substantia nigra pars compacta.Five major pathways in the brain connect other brain areas to the basal ganglia. These are known as the motor, oculomotor, associative, limbic, and orbitofrontal circuits. Names indicate the main projection area of each circuit. All are affected in PD, and their disruption causes movement-, attention- and learning-related symptoms of the disease. Scientifically, the motor circuit has been examined the most intensively.Since 1980, a particular conceptual model of the motor circuit and its alteration with PD has been of influence although some limitations have been pointed out which have led to modifications. In this model, the basal ganglia normally exert a constant inhibitory influence on a wide range of motor systems, preventing them from becoming active at inappropriate times. When a decision is made to perform a particular action, inhibition is reduced for the required motor system, thereby releasing it for activation. Dopamine acts to facilitate this release of inhibition, so high levels of dopamine function tend to promote motor activity, while low levels of dopamine function, such as occur in PD, demand greater exertions of effort for any given movement. The result of dopamine depletion is to produce hypokinesia, an overall reduction in motor output. Drugs that are used to treat PD, conversely, may produce excessive dopamine activity, allowing motor systems to be activated at inappropriate times and thereby producing dyskinesias.
Carrier Status
Parkinson's disease is not typically described in terms of carrier status because it is primarily a complex neurodegenerative disorder influenced by multiple factors, including genetic and environmental components. While most cases are sporadic, some forms of Parkinson's disease can be associated with genetic mutations. In these cases, having a mutation in certain genes (such as SNCA, LRRK2, or PARK2) may increase the risk of developing the disease. However, being a "carrier" is not a common concept for Parkinson's as it is for some other genetic conditions.
Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized primarily by motor symptoms such as tremors, rigidity, and bradykinesia (slowness of movement).

The primary mechanism of Parkinson's disease involves the progressive degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra, a region of the brain. This degeneration leads to a significant reduction in dopamine levels in the striatum, which disrupts the balance of excitation and inhibition in the motor circuitry of the basal ganglia, resulting in the motor symptoms characteristic of the disease.

**Molecular Mechanisms:**

1. **Alpha-synuclein Aggregation:** Misfolding and aggregation of the protein alpha-synuclein into Lewy bodies is a hallmark of PD. These aggregates are toxic to neurons and contribute to cell death.

2. **Mitochondrial Dysfunction:** Mitochondria, the energy-producing organelles in cells, are impaired in PD. This dysfunction leads to decreased ATP production and increased oxidative stress, harming neurons.

3. **Oxidative Stress:** Increased oxidative stress, due to the imbalance between the production of free radicals and the body's ability to detoxify them with antioxidants, is implicated in PD. It causes damage to lipids, proteins, and DNA, contributing to neuronal death.

4. **Neuroinflammation:** Chronic inflammation in the brain, involving activated microglia and the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines, may exacerbate neuronal damage.

5. **Genetics:** Mutations in genes such as SNCA (encoding alpha-synuclein), LRRK2, Parkin, PINK1, and DJ-1 have been associated with familial forms of PD, pointing to specific genetic contributors to the disease mechanism.

6. **Ubiquitin-Proteasome System Dysfunction:** Impaired protein degradation through the ubiquitin-proteasome system leads to the accumulation of damaged or misfolded proteins, contributing to neuronal toxicity.

Understanding these mechanisms is crucial for developing targeted therapies to slow or halt the progression of Parkinson's disease.
Treatment for Parkinson's disease generally involves medication, lifestyle adjustments, and sometimes surgical intervention. Key approaches include:

1. **Medications**:
- *Levodopa/Carbidopa*: Converts to dopamine in the brain, easing symptoms.
- *Dopamine Agonists*: Mimic dopamine effects.
- *MAO-B Inhibitors*: Prevent dopamine breakdown.
- *COMT Inhibitors*: Prolong effects of Levodopa.
- *Anticholinergics*: Reduce tremors and muscle stiffness.
- *Amantadine*: Provides short-term relief of symptoms.

2. **Lifestyle Adjustments**:
- Regular exercise to improve strength, flexibility, and balance.
- Physical, occupational, and speech therapies to help with movement, daily tasks, and communication.

3. **Surgical Options**:
- *Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS)*: Involves implanting electrodes in specific brain areas to reduce symptoms.

4. **Other Treatments**:
- Research is exploring the use of nanotechnology for drug delivery and neuroprotection, although this is still in experimental stages.

These treatments aim to manage symptoms as there is currently no cure for Parkinson’s disease.
Compassionate Use Treatment
Compassionate use treatments, also known as expanded access, allow patients with serious diseases like Parkinson's disease to access investigational drugs outside of clinical trials. These treatments are not yet approved by regulatory agencies, but may offer potential benefits for patients who have exhausted other options. For Parkinson's disease, experimental treatments being explored include the use of gene therapies, neurotrophic factors like GDNF, and cell-based therapies such as stem cell transplants.

Off-label treatments refer to the use of approved medications for unapproved indications. In Parkinson's disease, some off-label drug treatments include:

1. **Amantadine**: Though approved for influenza, it can help manage dyskinesia.
2. **Clozapine**: Normally used for schizophrenia, it may treat Parkinson’s-related psychosis.
3. **Instriatally administered apomorphine**: Used off-label for its potent dopaminergic effects to manage severe motor fluctuations.

These treatments might offer symptom relief but should be used under close medical supervision due to potential side effects and varying efficacy.
Lifestyle Recommendations
Lifestyle recommendations for Parkinson's disease can help manage symptoms and improve quality of life. Key recommendations include:

1. **Regular Exercise**: Engaging in activities like walking, swimming, and strength training can improve mobility, balance, and overall physical fitness.
2. **Healthy Diet**: A balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats can support overall health. Staying hydrated is also crucial.
3. **Adequate Sleep**: Establishing a regular sleep routine and creating a conducive sleep environment can help manage fatigue and improve overall well-being.
4. **Stress Management**: Practices such as yoga, meditation, and mindfulness can help reduce stress and improve mental health.
5. **Social Engagement**: Maintaining social connections and engaging in community activities can provide emotional support and reduce feelings of isolation.
6. **Regular Medical Checkups**: Regular visits to healthcare providers to monitor the progression of the disease and adjust treatments as necessary.
7. **Safe Home Environment**: Making home modifications to prevent falls, such as removing trip hazards, using assistive devices, and ensuring adequate lighting.

These lifestyle adjustments can complement medical treatments and potentially slow the progression of symptoms.
Parkinson's disease (PD) is typically managed with a combination of medications aimed at controlling its symptoms. The main categories of drugs include:

1. **Levodopa and Carbidopa**: These are usually the most effective. Levodopa is converted to dopamine in the brain, helping to manage motor symptoms. Carbidopa prevents Levodopa’s premature conversion outside the brain.

2. **Dopamine Agonists**: These mimic dopamine effects in the brain. Examples include pramipexole, ropinirole, and rotigotine.

3. **MAO-B Inhibitors**: These inhibit the enzyme monoamine oxidase B, which breaks down dopamine in the brain. Examples are selegiline and rasagiline.

4. **COMT Inhibitors**: These block the enzyme catechol-O-methyltransferase, prolonging the effect of Levodopa. Entacapone and tolcapone are examples.

5. **Anticholinergics**: These help reduce tremors and muscle rigidity. Examples include benztropine and trihexyphenidyl.

6. **Amantadine**: Originally an antiviral, it offers short-term relief of symptoms and can help reduce dyskinesias.

These medications do not cure Parkinson's disease but aim to alleviate symptoms and improve quality of life. Treatment plans are often individualized based on the progression of the disease and patient response.
Repurposable Drugs
Repurposable drugs for Parkinson's disease include:

1. **Amantadine** - Originally an antiviral, it helps reduce motor symptoms.
2. **Rasagiline** - A monoamine oxidase-B (MAO-B) inhibitor, initially intended for different uses, aids in increasing dopamine levels.
3. **Azilect** - Another MAO-B inhibitor that has shown promise in symptom management.
4. **Exenatide** - A diabetes medication, being explored for neuroprotective effects.

Research is ongoing to identify other potential repurposable drugs for Parkinson's disease.
Parkinson's disease is linked to various metabolic alterations that can be observed in bodily fluids. Some notable metabolites associated with Parkinson's disease include:

1. Dopamine and its metabolites (e.g., homovanillic acid)
2. alpha-Synuclein
3. Uric acid
4. 3-O-methyldopa (3-OMD)
5. N-acetylaspartate (NAA)

Metabolomic studies continue to explore various other metabolites to better understand the disease's progression and potential biomarkers for diagnosis and treatment evaluation.
Nutraceuticals are food-derived products that offer health benefits and may aid in the management of Parkinson's disease. Some nutraceuticals that have been researched for potential benefits in Parkinson's include:

1. **Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)**: Antioxidant properties may support mitochondrial function.
2. **Omega-3 fatty acids**: Anti-inflammatory effects and potential neuroprotective properties.
3. **Vitamin D**: Deficiency is associated with increased risk; supplementation may support overall brain health.
4. **Curcumin**: Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties potentially beneficial for neuroprotection.
5. **Green tea polyphenols**: Antioxidant and neuroprotective effects.
6. **N-Acetylcysteine (NAC)**: May increase glutathione levels, offering neuroprotection.

It is important to consult with healthcare providers before starting any new nutraceuticals, as they can interact with medications and existing medical conditions.
Peptides and nanotechnology are being explored in Parkinson's disease research for their potential therapeutic applications. Peptides can be used to inhibit the aggregation of alpha-synuclein, a protein that misfolds and forms toxic clumps in Parkinson's disease. Nanotechnology can help in the targeted delivery of these peptides or other therapeutic agents to the brain, enhancing treatment efficacy and minimizing side effects. Research in this area is ongoing, with the aim of developing more effective treatments for Parkinson's disease.